personal AWS VPN using OpenVPN

Using Ansible Container, Ansible, and AWS, deploy a personal VPN server, while also creates a specified user, the appropriate OpenVPN configuration file, and saves it to the local user’s desktop. background Having a personal VPN server is immensely useful; we live in a mobile world with plenty of wifi hotspots. With these open access points, security is definitely a large issue. There are VPN services available, but it is often desirable to manage our own service.

using a bastion host to access a private VPC in AWS

Using Ansible to manage internal VPC private instances without using VPNs, by deploying a SSH proxy bastion host. background When dealing with a web stack or AWS infrastructure, how are private instances that do NOT need a public IP address managed? It’s not an extremely difficult question. In many cases VPNs are used for this purpose. But what if a VPN isn’t needed? It’s arguably overkill and it can introduce a lot of overhead, creating multiple site-to-site VPNs and linking various regions together.