deploying a Bitcoin node to Google Cloud using Terraform and ansible-pull

deploying a Bitcoin node to Google Cloud using Terraform and ansible-pull

This was some additional work cooked up; very similar to the AWS deployment, it’s a Terraform and Ansible deployment of a Bitcoin node, but instead a deployment to Google Cloud.

Overall, not a lot different once the credentials for Google Cloud gets setup. Terraform away and a Bitcoin node is operational.

I added extensive notes on configuring Google Cloud credentials. One of the cool things about Google Cloud was the built-in SSH access. To SSH to the created instance, you would run a command like so:

gcloud compute --project "bitcoin-node-123456" ssh --zone "us-west1-a" "bitcoin-node"

No real worrying about the SSH keys. It seems the Google Cloud SDK takes care of that.

Google Compute is pretty nifty.
